Saturday, April 2, 2011

Whither Do Thou Go?

I see you return to this place each and every season,
always in awe of your creations of mud, thistle and grass.

You scurry about looking for grubs and seeds...
nar' giving me a hint of attention,
or detection.

Your colors are respendent as the rainbow herself.
and yet sometimes,
much more subtle and sure to amaze.

I break the ground again...
I'm sure you have anticipated this for some time?
...and yes, if the machine is beyond repair,
fear not...I will use hoe and rake
to ensure a good Spring planting...
....and of course, plenty of worms.

When this season completes its course,
and the colds winds return...
where will you go?

What plains and valleys will you see?
Rivers and mountains and marshes will be you home once again.
If I south of this mountain,
and close mine eyes,
I can go with you...
if only for a little while...
